Road of Self-sacrifice

The strengths which attract people to this avenue are “Unselfishness” and “Care for Others”. However, controllers warp these values into serving their own interests and neglecting others’ needs. Since unselfishness is never applied to them and caring is defined by whether it is meeting their desires, going down this road has the certain ending of […]

The Seductive Road of False Modesty

“Gentleness of nature is not a virtue but a defect unless it is accompanied by the tenacity of will.  Along with the sweetness there must be strength,”  – Grandfather Roy Wilson in Medicine Wheel Being successful necessitates having a healthy amount of pride and belief in ourselves. Some people say we all need some narcissism […]

Seduction by Controllers

I’ve selected the word seduction because many times we are not completely aware of what we’re choosing in life. A definition for seduce is: “to persuade somebody to do something by making it seem desirable or exciting”.  To this, I would add “or by making it seem inevitable”. Controlling people trap us unawares by identifying […]

Am I a Bitch or a Leader?

This question underscores the reality that there is confusion and ambivalence about women’s roles and behavior. Women have often been given feedback that is confusing when they have been assertive at home or in the workplace. Sometimes they doubt themselves rather than understanding the double standard that is operating. Men also suffer from biases about […]


Relationships without trust are like cars without wheels! They don’t go very well! Trust issues often have more to do with ourselves than they do the other person. A sign of maturity is an ability to trust our own instincts about others. If it doesn’t feel right, it often isn’t. Sometimes we’ve had experiences in […]

Being a Resource for Those in Controlling Relationships – Part 2

Any person who is in the middle of controlling relationship can benefit from someone objectively and respectfully talking to them about their options and avenues for safety. The key is objectivity and respect. You have the possibility of being more objective because you are not emotionally involved. You don’t have a stake in the relationship […]