Assertive Beliefs

Assertiveness is not a personality trait but rather a learned set of behaviors.  Assertive behavior expresses what we think and feel in ways that are respectful to others.  If we have not grown up with assertive models to learn from, we may not know how to be assertive or even feel we have that right.  […]

Recovering from Betrayal and Hurt

It takes time to heal when there has been a betrayal. Sometimes betrayals are so hurtful that the relationship never recovers. Other times, the emotional investment is such that people want to work to grow together rather than apart. There is no “one size fits all” prescription here; we all have to decide which path […]

Expressions of Love

Showing you care for your loved one and appreciate what they do is vital! This may seem self evident but the lack of this is one of the first signs of an ailing relationship.  For those who want to keep their relationship alive and growing, make sure you cultivate the ability to communicate your care. […]

Compromise and Letting Go

Having to be right is a tremendous liability in relationship building.  It is a sure fire way to block any ability to negotiate and compromise. It is normal and human to think your way is best and why doesn’t the rest of the world see it? 🙂 We each have our own unique lens that […]

Acceptance and Tolerance

Importance of Acceptance and tolerance These qualities go hand in hand in building a strong relationship. We are all attracted to people who have qualities we like. In the initial stages of a relationship, it may seem as if the loved one can do no wrong. As the relationship matures, the next stage involves seeing […]

Healthy Relationships

In healthy relationships, there is a balance of power. Each is open to respectful influence by the other. They each care about what is important to the other.  One or the other might slip occasionally into inconsiderate behavior but responsibility is taken if this happens. Having healthy relationships doesn’t mean there is never conflict. Conflict […]