The Work of Your Heart

“Follow Your Bliss.”  Joseph Campbell I’ve always loved this quote from the first time I heard it. That happened during a Bill Moyers documentary on Campbell. Speaking of whom, there is another great man! Often I talk with people who are struggling with the decision of what career path to choose. Sometimes they have trouble […]

Dimming Your Light

When you dim your presence, people can’t find you – because you’re not truly being yourself! All of us have a light within us that is unique and special. We each have something to contribute that no one else on the planet could do in the same way. When we don’t shine our light by […]

Grounding Yourself

Have you ever noticed that when you are most stressed or challenged, you tend to spin in circles? This can happen in the form of racing thoughts, going round and round with worries, resentments, or regrets. It can also literally happen that we go round and round physically, from one task to another. When this […]

Road of Fear

How fear plays into our internal predators is complicated. Looking at the seductive aspect of fear is not meant to deny the reality of violence and threat that pervades too many relationships. It is important to pay attention to fear; it helps us keep ourselves safe. Please pay attention and protect yourself whenever you are […]

Road of Romantic Love

The billboard “LOVE” is a huge draw for us. Romantic love is idealized and romanticized from the time we are young. The portrayal of what love is and our hormones combined lead to unrealistic love expectations for many people. It is natural that we all want to find that special someone. The experience of falling […]

Road of Commitment

The need for “Connection” is one of the signs that draw us into any relationship, whether intimate, work related, friendship, or professional. We become committed and want them to continue if we value them. Trust is a necessary element in order to invest in people. As social beings, we benefit from the complex inter-relationships that […]