Emerging into the Light

We all have times of crisis in our lives. I like to remind myself as well as others that the symbol for “crisis” also means “opportunity” in Chinese. It’s so easy to fall into believing life is over. Our fear pops up of the unknown and generates a vicious spiraling downward. Our Monkey Minds take […]

We are Thinking Machines

We are constantly making meaning of our world through our thoughts.  All thoughts are neither true nor untrue, they simply are.  Thoughts can be stimulated by what we hear from others, from what we see and learn about the world from our direct experiences, and from what we imagine. The fact that we’re constantly having […]

Birthing Your Dreams

 Birthing is for everyone! If you’re male, I hope you don’t stop reading. The metaphor of giving birth is an apt one. Manifesting what we want in life often brings “labor pains”. Rarely does something just fall into our laps. The process involves: setting our intentions, making plans, sorting through options, problem solving issues, ironing […]

How To Be or Not To Be

That is the question – isn’t it? Too often we don’t bring our attention to the perspectives and attitudes we bring to our interactions. I once heard the idea that focusing on To Be lists is just as important as To Do lists. I think this is phenomenally important. Many of us are great at […]

The Work of Your Heart

“Follow Your Bliss.”  Joseph Campbell I’ve always loved this quote from the first time I heard it. That happened during a Bill Moyers documentary on Campbell. Speaking of whom, there is another great man! Often I talk with people who are struggling with the decision of what career path to choose. Sometimes they have trouble […]

Dimming Your Light

When you dim your presence, people can’t find you – because you’re not truly being yourself! All of us have a light within us that is unique and special. We each have something to contribute that no one else on the planet could do in the same way. When we don’t shine our light by […]