Is She a bitch or a leader?

Is she a bitch or a leader? Is he a wuss or a sensitive man? Both these questions help us become more aware of underlying biases and stereotypes. Healthy functioning allows for flexibility in men’s and women’s roles and behaviors.  Both genders should be able to choose what best suits them. Our socialization about what […]

Coercive Controllers’ Beliefs and Treatment

Controlling behavior is the systematic domination and oppression by one person in a way that makes it clear that another person(s)  is not safe physically and/or emotionally.  Control tactics are the tools by which controllers dominate and oppress. Characteristics of control tactics: They are used to get the person’s way by any means it takes. […]

Forgiveness: Truth or Consequences

Forgiveness is more for yourself than for others. It is about letting go and accepting “it is what it is”, rather than trying to change others, please others, or get them to love you. It’s forgoing dwelling on it and moving on with your life, rather than being weighed down with anger. However, forgiveness should […]

When Success Eludes Us

It is often an irony that we fear what we also want. We may want success in some particular way, but we are terrified of achieving it and may undermine it. Success brings recognition and that is often very uncomfortable for us. Being visible may have represented danger in the past if we’ve experienced any […]

Freeing Yourself from the Witch of Fear

There are two kinds of fear. One is the realistic fear that we experience when we’re in danger. This is rational and self-preservative and a very good thing. The second is fear that is not based on any present danger so some call it irrational fear.  However, it often makes sense given our histories. It […]

Staying Rooted During the Storms of Life

My neighborhood came through a line of storms with much loss of trees. When I walked around, I was moved by the giant root systems that had been wrested free of the earth. It reminded me of the crises that we all endure at times in our lives and how it feels. What keeps us […]