Seductive Highways

Many people wonder about how they slipped into a controlling relationship without realizing it until too late. Others say that they saw the “red flags” but didn’t heed them. In addition to asking themselves “why does he act this way?” they sometimes feel badly about themselves because they “allowed” it. I remind them that they […]

Seduction by Controllers

I’ve selected the word seduction because many times we are not completely aware of what we’re choosing in life. A definition for seduce is: “to persuade somebody to do something by making it seem desirable or exciting”.  To this, I would add “or by making it seem inevitable”. Controlling people trap us unawares by identifying […]

Taking Things Lightly

Humor and light heartedness grease the wheels of relationships and make them turn more smoothly. I see having a sense of humor as one of the most useful attitudes to have. All attitudes provide a lens though which we view what happens in the world. When we have an active sense of humor, we have […]

Setting Limits

Love should not be unconditional! Perhaps you see this statement as heresy. Let me clarify: we should not condition our love for others on whether they please us or do everything we want them to do. However, there are certain bottom line expectations that have to be met in order for relationships to be healthy […]

Keeping It Mutual

A healthy relationship has two people who are committed to each other’s best interests. They communicate in words and actions respect and interest in one another. Signs of trouble are:  Breaking promises, Refusing to commit to a person, project, idea, or date Putting off the next level of a relationship indefinitely  Forgetting meetings or dates […]

Being a Resource for Those in Controlling Relationships – Part 2

Any person who is in the middle of controlling relationship can benefit from someone objectively and respectfully talking to them about their options and avenues for safety. The key is objectivity and respect. You have the possibility of being more objective because you are not emotionally involved. You don’t have a stake in the relationship […]