Consent is much discussed today, a very good thing. Learning that everyone has the right to determine sexual contact is healthier for everyone. However, intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual abuse, and sexual assault are too often misconstrued as consensual when they aren’t. Those who have been victimized often have their actions misinterpreted to their detriment. […]

Joanna V. Hunter is Calling Men “In”– Guest Blogger

At the foundation of violence against women are three basic building blocks: women have lesser value, women are property and the objectification of women.

Teen Dating Violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is not just an adult thing. It’s common among teens. The Center for Disease Control indicates that 7 percent of high schoolers experienced sexual violence by a dating partner, and 8 percent indicated physical violence.[i] However, the numbers are much higher when we include emotional and verbal abuse. “More than 60 […]