Taking Things Lightly

Humor and light heartedness grease the wheels of relationships and make them turn more smoothly. I see having a sense of humor as one of the most useful attitudes to have. All attitudes provide a lens though which we view what happens in the world. When we have an active sense of humor, we have […]

Setting Limits

Love should not be unconditional! Perhaps you see this statement as heresy. Let me clarify: we should not condition our love for others on whether they please us or do everything we want them to do. However, there are certain bottom line expectations that have to be met in order for relationships to be healthy […]

Honesty and Responsibility

Honesty is an extremely important quality, and it gets expressed in different ways. First, there is telling the truth about our actions and preferences. When Sam says he is committed to a monogamous relationship, Tammy wants to know he is being truthful and intentional about that. When Sara says she is working late, Joe wants […]


Relationships without trust are like cars without wheels! They don’t go very well! Trust issues often have more to do with ourselves than they do the other person. A sign of maturity is an ability to trust our own instincts about others. If it doesn’t feel right, it often isn’t. Sometimes we’ve had experiences in […]

Expressions of Love

Showing you care for your loved one and appreciate what they do is vital! This may seem self evident but the lack of this is one of the first signs of an ailing relationship.  For those who want to keep their relationship alive and growing, make sure you cultivate the ability to communicate your care. […]

Compromise and Letting Go

Having to be right is a tremendous liability in relationship building.  It is a sure fire way to block any ability to negotiate and compromise. It is normal and human to think your way is best and why doesn’t the rest of the world see it? 🙂 We each have our own unique lens that […]