Fledgling Birds

I have enjoyed my new hobby of feeding birds and watching them closely.  One early summer day, I was surprised to see one bird seemed to have trouble landing on a perch.  He would flutter around in mid air and eventually come to rest somewhere other than the bird feeder.  I had just read about […]

Emotional Grounding

When you experience fear, anger, hurt, or any other unpleasant emotion intensely, notice any inclination to bury, devalue, or resist it.  When we do any of these, we lose an opportunity to learn from what we’re feeling. It also frequently means that we stay stuck in these emotions. The saying “what we resist persists” is […]


Sometimes people are confused about what assertive behavior is. At times, the term aggressive is used interchangeably with assertive. I use the following definitions:  Assertive behavior is any behavior in which you stand up for your self – through expressing feelings, thoughts, opinions, or actions – while also respecting the rights and feelings of others. […]

Keeping It Mutual

A healthy relationship has two people who are committed to each other’s best interests. They communicate in words and actions respect and interest in one another. Signs of trouble are:  Breaking promises, Refusing to commit to a person, project, idea, or date Putting off the next level of a relationship indefinitely  Forgetting meetings or dates […]

Being a Resource for Those in Controlling Relationships – Part 2

Any person who is in the middle of controlling relationship can benefit from someone objectively and respectfully talking to them about their options and avenues for safety. The key is objectivity and respect. You have the possibility of being more objective because you are not emotionally involved. You don’t have a stake in the relationship […]

Being a Resource for People with Controlling Relationships

  Insight comes slowly, like the careful stringing of pearls.  A jewel, a knot, another jewel, another knot.  It’s an insanely difficult act to make a necklace in the midst of tempest, to sit quietly with trembling fingers, while the well water spills over from the sides of your eyes.  But with insight also comes […]