Tag Archive for: IPV

The Intersection of Racial Injustice and IPV

We can all do our part by supporting protests of these injustices. That can take the shape of a march, but longer term work happens by joining organizations that work against intimate partner and racial injustice.

Building the Plan(e) While Flying It

Being under a Safe at Home order is an oxymoron when it comes to IPV, since home is where you’re in danger.


If we’re thinking of leaving the relationship, we often want to get through the holidays and put off any decisions we’re contemplating, especially when we have children. That means maintaining our mask—putting on a pretend face with family, friends, or others. I believe those who suffer from intimate abuse are the best ones to know the timing that is right for them. The last thing you need is second guessing from others who are concerned for you.

Teen Dating Violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is not just an adult thing. It’s common among teens. The Center for Disease Control indicates that 7 percent of high schoolers experienced sexual violence by a dating partner, and 8 percent indicated physical violence.[i] However, the numbers are much higher when we include emotional and verbal abuse. “More than 60 […]