Choosing Our Relationship to Domination

This post is about shifting our attitudes regarding the need to take a stand on domineering, coercive behavior. Beyond the justified anger and grief is a space for pride in the fact that we never give up on empowering ourselves.

The Intersection of Racial Injustice and IPV

We can all do our part by supporting protests of these injustices. That can take the shape of a march, but longer term work happens by joining organizations that work against intimate partner and racial injustice.


We often want to retaliate and give people a dose of what they’ve given us, but this does not maintain our power.

Communities Working Together to Support IPV Victims

Intimate partner violence victims’ safety has always been linked to how communities work together to reduce IPV. Unfortunately, our society’s response to IPV often enables violence.

Building the Plan(e) While Flying It

Being under a Safe at Home order is an oxymoron when it comes to IPV, since home is where you’re in danger.