Domination and Its Roots

As I delved into writing my book, I rediscovered Eisler’s work along with her subsequent books that explore Partnership systems throughout all aspects of society. My soon to be published book Coercive Relationships: Find the Answers You Seek has a chapter that connects the insights of her work with intimate partner abuse.

Releasing and Welcoming

The Burning Bowl ceremony is about releasing what no longer serves us. The White Stone ceremony is about welcoming something into your life that you want to grow toward or find..

Anger as a Super Power

Intimate partner abuse survivors have one or more of the following experiences with their own anger. Actually, all but the first one are common for others as well. This blog will explore each type before talking about anger as a superpower.

Should Coercive Control Be a Crime?

It’s Not Against the Law If you have experienced coercive control, you know the devastating effects. Those who feel entitled to use it strip away our freedom of expression, limiting what we can do and say. It damages our sense of self-worth. It increases self-doubt. We often say we feel crazy because of the intense […]

I Did It!

Next steps are always scary. We don’t know what they will be like—not really—until we take them. Each of the paths listed above encompasses many steps. We can set off, but we cannot outline each step, each curve, each boulder along the way, and when we think we have to, it stops us from ever setting off.

Outside the Lines

I am opening a new chapter in my career. I will be sending in the manuscript for my book for survivors of intimate partner abuse within a couple of weeks. I began revising my web site to reflect that I only do intimate partner abuse work now. I am contemplating supervising a Master’s level student. I have two workshops to prepare for this fall. A lot is happening and it is all in the middle of a pandemic!